You have been directed here as you or your child have received a head injury in today’s water polo session.
Concussion is a brain injury caused by a blow to the head, neck or face. Symptoms may start immediately but, in some cases, can be delayed in onset for a few minutes up to hours after the trauma. Please keep an eye out for any of the following symptoms and follow the protocol for returning to exercise and if applicable, driving and work.
Should be any of the following symptoms you should follow the below advice
• See a doctor for assessment of the injury within 24 hours. This can be face to face or by calling 111 even if the symptoms resolve quickly.
• Must remain supervised by a responsible adult for 24 hours post injury
• Use an ice pack to reduce any swelling
• Rest and avoid any stress
• Minimise use of mobile phone or smart tables for 24 hours
• Do not consume alcohol until at least 24 hours and then only if free of symptoms
• Do not drive until medically to do so or have no symptoms
• Do not use aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication
• Do not use sleeping tablets
• Do not train or exercise until given clearance by doctor or symptoms have resolved.
Know the Signs and Symptoms
If these are present a concussion should be suspected:
Loss of consciousness
Nausea or Vomiting
Blurred Vision
Sensitivity to light and noise
Feeling like in a fog
Balance problems
Difficulty concentrating
Severe “red flags” may include the following please proceed to A&E
A worsening headache
Repeated vomiting
Increasing confusion or unusual changes in behaviour.
Returning to Training
After a minimum of 24-48 hours rest, a staged return to normal activities and then sport should be taken place under the guidance of a suitable qualified medical professional.
Each stage should be a minimum of 24 hours duration and individuals should only progress should you be completely symptom free.
Should your child be under 18, then they need to spend a minimum of 48 hours at each stage and those under 13, should seek guidance from a doctor about how quickly to progress through the stages.
Standard return to training guideline for mild concussion not requiring hospital treatment should include the following six basic steps:
1 Initial Rest Period
– 24-48 hours minimum or until all symptoms resolved
– For the next 24 hours gradual return to daily activity such as school or work
– Only progress if no symptoms after full return to school or work.
2 Light Aerobic Exercise
– Such as walking, jogging, swimming (no tumble turns)
– No diving or water polo
– Less than 15 minutes activity and less than 70% max heart rate
– No resistance training or jumping
3 Sport Specific Exercise
– Less than 80% max heart rate for under 45 minutes
– No head impact activities or contact
– Water polo – Passing and drills only
4 Non-Contact Training Drills
– Less than 90% max heart rate and less than 60 minutes
– Increase intensity of training, shooting, passing. Avoid being hit by a water polo ball and no head impact activities.
5 Full Contact Practice
– Full Activity
6 Return to full training and competition after 21 days
If any symptoms recur/occur during return to training process then please be reviewed by a medical professional again and must return to the previous symptom free stage.