General behaviour
- I will treat all members of, and persons associated with, Swim England with due dignity and respect.
- I will treat everyone equally and never discriminate against another person associated with the Swim England on any grounds including that of age, sexual orientation, gender, faith, ethnic origin or nationality.
- I understand that the use of inappropriate or abusive language, bullying, harassment, or
physical violence will not be tolerated and could result in action being taken through the disciplinary or child welfare policies. - I will display a high standard of behaviour at all times.
- I will always report any poor behaviour by others to an appropriate officer or member of staff.
- I will recognise and celebrate the good performance and success of fellow club and team
- I will treat my coach and fellow members with respect.
- I will arrive in good time on poolside before the training session starts to complete poolside
warm up as directed by my coach. - I will ensure that I have all of my equipment with me, e.g. goggles, water bottles etc.
- If I need to leave the pool for any reason during training, I will inform my coach before doing so.
- I will listen to what my coach is telling me at all times and obey any instructions given.
- I will think about what I am doing during training, and if I have any problems, I will discuss them with my coach at an appropriate time.
- If I have any problems with the behaviour of fellow members, I will report them at the time to an appropriate adult.
- At competitions, I will always behave in a manner that shows respect to my coach, the officers, my team mates and the members of all competing organisations.
- I will report to my coach and/or team manager on arrival to meet point and on poolside.
- I will warm up before the event as directed by the coach in charge on that day and ensure I fully prepare myself for the match.
- I will be part of the team. This means I will stay with the team on poolside.
- If I have to leave poolside for any reason, I will inform, and in some cases, get the consent of
the team manager/coach before doing so. - I will support my team mates. Everyone likes to be supported and they will be supporting me in return.
- I will never leave an event until either the match is complete or I have the explicit agreement of the coach or team manager.
Changing Rooms/Changing Villages
- I will respect the privacy of others, especially in the use of changing facilities.
- I will respect the pool staff, pool facilities, equipment and other pool users. When using or sharing facilities with the public or in the public eye I will behave in a manner that reflects the good name of the club.
- Changing facilities (including shower and toilet areas) at venues may be shared by both club members and members of the general public so players will be on their best behaviour and respect others.
- Masters (Adult) members should try to change in a separate area whenever possible when changing at the same time as children. Where this is not possible Masters (Adults) are reminded to change in an appropriate fashion, and to be mindful that they are changing with children.
- Mobile phones, digital devices and/or image capturing equipment should not be used under any circumstances in a changing room/changing village. All uses of any of these devices in the changing rooms must be reported to the welfare officer and venue.
Breaches of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken against you by the club committee. Continued issues and repeated breaches may result in members being asked not to attend the club.
Update January 2024